This policy sets out Amélie Housing’s approach to managing reports of damaged asbestos-cement, and other materials containing asbestos, in its properties.

Amélie Housing aims to protect the health and safety of its tenants, staff, contractors, neighbours and others by minimising their risk of exposure to respirable asbestos fibres in its properties.

Amélie Housing staff and contractors have a responsibility to report and take appropriate steps to resolve potential asbestos hazards in properties, when they become aware of them.

‘Asbestos-cement’ is also known as ‘fibro’ or ‘AC’. The production of asbestos-cement building products was banned nationally in the early 1980s.

This policy applies to all staff, contractors, tenants, household occupants, visitors and volunteers to Amélie Housing properties.

How Amélie Housing Responds and manages potential and actual hazardous materials in properties

Amélie Housing considers that any disturbance to asbestos-cement or other materials containing asbestos in its properties may be a potential health risk. Amélie Housing manages its response to the presence of asbestos containing materials in its properties in accordance with its responsibilities as a landlord under the Residential Tenancies Act, as an employer under Work Health and Safety legislation and WorkSafe guidelines.

Amélie Housing meets requirements by taking the following action:

  • Asking tenants to report any damaged asbestos-cement or other asbestos containing materials that they find in their properties;
  • Investigating reports of damaged asbestos-cement or other materials in Amélie Housing properties;
  • Investigating complaints of unsafe work practices by contractors handling asbestos cement sheeting;
  • Ensuring any maintenance or demolition work in properties that may have asbestos containing materials is done safely and appropriately;
  • Determining which properties may contain asbestos-cement materials;
  • Expecting Amélie Housing staff to report and take appropriate steps to resolve potential asbestos risks in properties, when they become aware of them;
  • Requiring contractors to be licensed if handling 10 square metres of asbestos cement sheeting or greater;
  • Requiring contractors to use safe work methods and appropriate supervision of work to ensure that occupational health and safety legislation is fully complied with.

Amélie Housing complies and implements the standards of FaCS Housing NSW and all associated legislation in the identification, monitoring and management of suspected or actual Asbestos. For more information and legislation related to Asbestos Management in properties, please see FaCS Housing NSW principles here.

What is asbestos and asbestos cement?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fibre that was been used   in construction materials,

Properties built or repaired between 1940 and the early 1980s used asbestos-cement materials. Products containing asbestos were banned nationally in the early 1980s.

Asbestos-cement was commonly used for external and internal wall and ceiling sheeting, floor tiles, meter boards, bathroom and laundry flooring, some roofing and underground pipes in in apartments and houses built before 1987. More information on asbestos and asbestos cement including frequently asked questions can be found on FaCS Housing NSW Asbestos Factsheets here

Amélie Housing Properties and Asbestos Cement

Amélie Housing takes the approach that properties constructed prior to 1987 may contain asbestos-cement or materials containing asbestos, in accordance with Managing Asbestos Policy from FaCS Housing NSW.

Responsibilities of Amélie Housing staff

Amélie Housing staff have a responsibility to report and take appropriate steps to resolve potential risks in properties relating to asbestos-cement or other materials containing asbestos, once they become aware of them. The organisation has developed procedures to guide staff through this process.

When does asbestos-cement pose a health risk?

WorkCover NSW and NSW Health state that living in a home built with asbestos-cement building products is not considered a health risk.

Asbestos-cement can be a health risk if asbestos fibres become airborne and are inhaled. This can happen when asbestos-cement building products are broken, sanded, drilled or disturbed in any way that results in airborne asbestos fibres.

Reporting suspected damage to asbestos cement

It is important to report any damage to your property, including damage that may have disturbed asbestos building materials.

It is also important to make sure that any alterations you wish to make to your property are approved prior to any work commencing.

Any broken or damaged asbestos-cement found in any Amélie Housing property should be reported to us immediately.

Tenants can report damage to asbestos-cement and other materials suspected of containing asbestos to Amélie Housing by using the Report a repair form online , or contacting your Housing Manager.

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