Amélie Housing is committed to the occupational health, safety and welfare of all its’ employees, those contracted to perform work on its behalf and visitors to our premises. Amélie Housing regards work health and safety responsibilities with the utmost importance and as such, resources will be made available to comply with all relevant Acts and Regulations to ensure the workplace is as safe as possible.

Amélie Housing will work to ensure all staff, contractors and tenants are aware of their responsibility under National Work Health and Safety Legislation, regulations and codes of practice.

Additional Information on Work, Health and Safety legislation, codes of practice and regulations by state and territory can be found on Safe Work  Australia

This policy applies to all staff, contractors, volunteers, tenants and applicants of Amélie Housing.


All Amélie Housing’s Managers and Employees as well as Contractors and visitors have a shared responsibility for contributing to the health and safety of all persons in the workplace. The promotion and maintenance of occupational health and safety, and the dissemination of occupational health and safety information is primarily the responsibility of management. Management at all levels, in consultation with employees, have the responsibility for developing, implementing and continually reviewing Amélie Housing’s Workplace Safety Program.


This policy provides the framework for:

  • The development of safe methods of work
  • The achievement of a safe working environment
  • The promotion of good health within the work force
  • Reducing the number and severity of injuries in the workplace
  • Achieving compliance with all relevant legislation and codes of practice


Risk Management:

Amélie Housing has established a documented occupational health and safety and risk management system with procedures for identifying, assessing and controlling workplace hazards.  This system has been developed in accordance with the International Risk Management Standard AS/NZ ISO 31000.


Employees can provide input into the Workplace Safety program. Management will consult with employees, Contractors and visitors when planning work to determine the most effective means of ensuring both parties fulfill their WHS responsibilities.


Each manager is required to ensure that this policy and the Workplace Safety program are developed and effectively implemented in areas under their control, and to support supervisors and hold them accountable for their specific responsibilities.


Each first line supervisor is responsible, and will be accountable for, taking all practical measures to ensure that the workplace under their control is safe and without risks to health, and that the behavior of all persons in the workplace is safe and without risks to health.

The supervisor will be held accountable for detecting any unsafe or unhealthy conditions or behavior.

If supervisors do not have the necessary authority to fix a problem, they will be held accountable for reporting the matter promptly, together with any recommendations for remedial action to a manager with the necessary authority to affect a remedy.


All employees are required to cooperate with the Workplace Safety Program to ensure their own health and safety and the health and safety of others in the workplace.

All employees will carry out their work according to the safe systems of work and use all plant, materials, tools and substances in the manner for which they are intended.

Contractors, Sub-Contractors and Visitors:

All visitors, contractors and sub-contractors engaged to perform work on Amélie Housing’s premises are required, to comply with Amélie Housing’s Workplace Safety Program and to observe directions on health and safety from Amélie Housing’s managers. Failure to comply or observe a direction will be considered a breach of the contract and sufficient grounds for termination of the contract.

Workplace health and safety program

Housing is committed to the effective implementation of its Workplace Safety Program and will ensure that it is appropriately reviewed and updated. The program relates to all aspects of occupational health and safety including, but not limited to:

  • WHS training and education for all employees – general and hazard specific
  • Work system and procedure design, workplace design and standard work methods
  • Changes to work methods and practice
  • Emergency procedures and drills
  • Provision of WHS services, equipment and facilities
  • Workplace inspections and safety plans
  • Reporting and recording of incidents, accidents, injuries and illnesses
  • Provision of information to employees, contractors, sub-contractors and visitors.


Amélie Housing is committed to the establishment of measurable objectives and targets for WHS to ensure continuous improvement aimed at the elimination of work related illness and injury.

The effectiveness of Amélie Housing’s WHS & Risk Management Program will be measured by the:

  • Effective identification or hazards;
  • Effective development and implementation of safety plans; and
  • Decrease in lost time due to illness and injury, and a resulting reduction in premiums.

Resource implications

  • Appointment of a WHS & Return-to-Work Coordinator
  • Provision of First Aid Facilities
  • Allocation of time for effective safety training of the workforce
  • Regular monitoring and review of the Workplace Safety Program

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